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Results for «Dangerous Things»

Life of Cyborgs IV

4m 21s

Amal Graafstra is an O.G. cyborg, known for his TED talks and interviews on international media outlets. But what some people might not know about Amal is that he's also the CEO of Dangerous Things, a company that creates and sells implantable consumer tech.

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1h 25m

Rabdoulah and Pemba are two ten-year-old boys who live in two of the most inhospitable regions on the planet - the Teneré desert and the Himalaya mountains. And though their lives are separated by thousands of miles, they have something in common which, moreover, will represent a before and an after in their lives. For the first time, they are going to accompany their families, who for generations have worked in the salt trade, on a long and dangerous journey.

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